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I, Dr.B.S.BHOLA, feel overwhelmed to be a part of this esteemed institute, Govt. College for Girls, Rania, which is one of upcoming institute dedicated only to Girls in this border and rural area of the state. Here students are being provided quality education and are thus prepared morally and ethically to be the successful and positive citizen of the globe. Today obtaining mere degrees is not of... Read more



Bachelor of Arts

The three-year Bachelor of Arts program offers a versatile and comprehensive education in humanities. Students have the flexibility to choose from a wide range of subjects such as literature, history,...

Duration: 3 years


Bachelor of Commerce

The three-year Bachelor of Commerce program provides a comprehensive education in commerce and business. Students will study accounting, finance, and business management. Through practical projects an...

Duration: 3 years


Bachelor of Science - Non Medical

The three-year Bachelor of Science in Non-Medical program is designed for individuals interested in the study of physical sciences and mathematics without a focus on medical subjects. Students will st...

Duration: 3 years


Bachelor of Science in Physical Sciences

The four-year Bachelor of Physical Sciences program is designed for individuals interested in the study of physical principles governing the natural world. The curriculum covers physics, chemistry, ma...

Duration: 4 years